Sulfur Granular
Sulfur is a chemical element with symbol S and atomic number 16. This substance is abundant, polyvalent and belongs to the group of non-metals. Under normal conditions, sulfur atoms form cyclic eight-atom molecules with the chemical formula S8. Elemental sulfur is a light yellow crystalline solid at room temperature. Sulfur is the tenth most common element by mass in the world and the fifth most common element in the earth’s crust. Sulfur in the earth is sometimes found in pure and local form, but usually it can be seen in the form of sulfide and sulfate minerals. Mineral sulfur was known in ancient times and for this reason it was used in ancient India, ancient Greece, China and Egypt. Today, almost all sulfur in the world is produced as a byproduct of removing sulfur-containing pollutants from natural gas and oil. The most commercial use of this element is the production of sulfuric acid to prepare sulfate and phosphate fertilizers and other chemical processes. Sulfur element is used in making matches, producing insecticides and various fungicides. Many sulfur compounds have a pungent smell; Perhaps something similar to the characteristic smell of hydrogen sulfide or the smell of other biological processes comes to our nose. Sulfur is an essential element for life, but it is always used in the form of organic compounds or metal sulfides. Three amino acids (cysteine, cystine and methionine) and two vitamins (biotin and thiamine) are compounds of organic sulfur. Many cofactors, including glutathione, thioredoxin, and iron-sulfur proteins, contain sulfur. Sulfur is one of the main chemical elements that is necessary for biochemical function and is considered one of the macronutrients required for all living organisms.
Sulfur has been known and available naturally in ancient times. The English translation of the Bible usually mentions the burning of sulfur, which gives rise to the words “fire and brimstone”; in which he informs the readers about the eternal cursed fate that awaits unbelievers and deniers. Sulfur was used for incense in ancient Greece. The natural form of sulfur was known in China from the 6th century BC and was found in Hanzhong. In the 3rd century, the Chinese discovered that sulfur could be extracted from pyrite. Chinese Daoists were interested in the flammability of sulfur and its reactivity with certain metals, however its earliest practical applications were found in traditional Chinese medicine. A Song Dynasty treatise of 1044 AD describes various formulas for Chinese black powder, which is a mixture of potassium nitrate, charcoal, and sulfur. Elemental sulfur was used to relieve diseases such as scabies, ringworm, psoriasis, eczema and acne. Its mechanism of action remained unknown at that time; However, sulfur is slowly oxidized to sulfuric acid, which is a mild antibacterial and reducing agent.
Antoine Lavoisier used sulfur in combustion experiments and published some of these cases in 1777. Sulfur deposits in Sicily have been a major source for more than a century. In the late 18th century, about 2,000 tons per year of mineral sulfur was imported to Marseille, France to produce sulfuric acid for use in the Leblanc process. In 1867, mineral sulfur was discovered in underground mines in Louisiana and Texas. In the late 18th century, furniture makers used molten sulfur to produce decorative inlays in their crafts. Due to the production of sulfur dioxide during the melting process, this use in the woodworking industry was gradually abandoned. Pure sulfur powder was also used as medicine and laxative. Today, most of the sulfur produced is used to prepare sulfuric acid for a wide range of applications, especially agricultural fertilizer.
Sulfur may be found by itself in mines, and historically it has been proven that it was obtained in this way. “Pyrite” has also been a source of sulfur. In the volcanic regions of Sicily, in ancient times, it was found on the surface of the earth. Elemental sulfur was extracted from salt domes until the end of the 20th century. Sulfur is now produced as a byproduct of other industrial processes such as oil refining, where sulfur is an undesirable compound. Today, sulfur is produced from oil, natural gas and fossil resources, which is mainly obtained in the form of hydrogen sulfide structures.
R-S-R +2H2 → 2RH + H2S
The hydrogen sulfide resulting from this process and also as it happens in natural gas, is converted into sulfur by the “Claus” process. This process involves the oxidation of some hydrogen sulfide to sulfur dioxide:
3O2 + 2H2S → 2SO2 +2H2O
SO2 + 2H2S → ۳S +2H2O
Sulfur Granular
Sulfur forms several models of polyatomic molecules. The most famous allotrope is octasulphur, cyclo-S8. Mineral sulfur, or octasulfur, is a soft, pale yellow solid that is odorless, but impure samples have a match-like odor. This elemental compound melts at a temperature of 115.21 degrees Celsius (239.38 degrees Fahrenheit); It boils at 6.444°C (3.832°F) and sublimes easily. Between the melting and boiling temperatures, octasulphur changes its allotrope again, changing from β-octasulfur to γ-sulfur, which is again associated with lower density but increased viscosity due to the formation of polymers. At a higher temperature, the viscosity decreases due to depolymerization. Molten sulfur has a dark red color; This state occurs at temperatures above 200°C (392°F). The density of sulfur depends on its allotrope, about 2 grams per cubic centimeter. All stable allotropes of sulfur are electrical insulators.
Sulfur burns with a blue flame, forming sulfur dioxide, which has a suffocating and irritating odor. Sulfur is insoluble in water, but soluble in carbon disulfide and partially soluble in other non-polar organic solvents such as benzene and toluene.
Sulfur forms more than 30 solid allotropes. In addition to S8, several other rings are also known. By removing an atom from the crown of the ring, S7 is formed, which is more yellow than S8. Amorphous sulfur is produced by rapid cooling of molten sulfur.
When sulfur reacts with mild oxidizing agents in a completely acidic solution, sulfur polycations, S42+, S82+, S162, are produced. Colored solutions produced by sulfur in oleum were first discovered by Buchholz as early as 1804, but the cause of the color and the structure of the corresponding polycations were elucidated in the late 1960s. +S42 is yellow, +S82 is dark blue, +S162 is red.
Elemental sulfur is used as a precursor for some chemicals. Approximately 85% of inorganic sulfur is converted to sulfuric acid:
2S + 3O2 + 2H2O → 2H2SO4
The sulfur used to produce sulfuric acid is of the refinery type. Refinery sulfur is divided into two basic types, gaseous (GC) and petroleum (OC), which is mainly used to produce sulfuric acid, which is more acidic.
Sulfur reacts directly with methane to produce carbon disulfide, which is used to produce cellophane and rayon. One of the applications of elemental sulfur is in boiling rubber; When polysulfide chains form organic polymers. Many surfactants and detergents (eg sodium lauryl sulfate) are sulfate derivatives. Calcium sulfate and gypsum are also produced using this elemental sulfur.
Sulfur is used as an important component in chemical fertilizers. The most important form of sulfur for fertilizer is the mineral calcium sulfate. Inorganic sulfur is hydrophobic (not soluble in water) and cannot be directly used by plants. Over time, soil bacteria (Thiobacillus bacteria) can convert it into soluble derivatives, which can then be used by plants. In agriculture, mainly bentonite sulfur with a purity of 90% sulfur and 10% bentonite or 75% sulfur is used and it is used as a hand sprayer or as a fertilizer. Sulfur improves the absorption of other essential plant nutrients, especially nitrogen and phosphorus. Biologically produced sulfur particles are naturally hydrophilic due to their biopolymer coating and are diluted in the slurry solution and dispersed on the ground due to faster absorption. The plant’s need for sulfur-containing fertilizers is equal to the need for phosphorus fertilizers or even more. The amount of fertilizers used for trees and plants is different. The amount of sulfur for the almond tree is different from other trees.
Elemental sulfur is one of the oldest fungicides and pesticides. Primary sulfur in powdered form is a common fungicide for grapes, strawberries, many vegetables, and several other crops. This substance has a positive effect against a wide range of “mold” and “black spot” diseases. In organic farming, sulfur is the most important fungicide. Sulfur is used in powder and solid form to repel pests. In another method, this dust is mixed with some water to wet it on the plant and destroy the pests. Elemental S powder is used as an “organic” insecticide (actually a poison) to protect the plant from mites (sulphur mite).
Small amounts of sulfur dioxide gas were used in the past for the alcoholic beverage industry. This prevents the growth of aerobic bacteria, which would otherwise turn the ethanol into acetic acid and make the drink taste sour. Sulfur dioxide and various sulfites are used in many other sectors of the food industry due to their preservative, antioxidant and antibacterial properties. Since reports of allergic reactions in some people to sulfites in foods, this practice has been in decline.
Sulfur (in the structural form of octa sulfur or 8 atoms) is used in skin medicines, acne treatment medicines. This substance kills bacteria, fungi, scabies mites and other parasites. Precipitated sulfur and colloidal sulfur are used in the form of lotions, creams, powders, soaps and bath detergents to treat acne vulgaris, acne and dermatitis. Common side effects of using these products include skin irritation, dryness, itching, and peeling.
Sulfur can be used to create decorative inlays on wooden furniture. After a design is cut into the wood, molten sulfur is poured. Sulfur inlay was especially popular in the late 18th and early 19th centuries. This method soon became obsolete, as toxic and flammable materials were substituted.
Sulfur is one of the basic components of all living cells. This substance is the seventh or eighth most abundant element in the human body by weight, which is equal to potassium in terms of abundance and is found a little more than sodium and chlorine. The body of a 70 kg human has about 140 grams of sulfur. In plants and animals, amino acids cysteine and methionine contain sulfur, and this element is present in all polypeptides, proteins and enzymes containing these amino acids. In humans, methionine is an essential amino acid that must be obtained through food or supplements. “Sulfite oxidase” enzyme is required for methionine and cysteine metabolism in humans and animals.
Metalloproteins, in which the active site is a metal complex bound to S atoms, are essential components of enzymes in electron transfer processes. For example, we can mention blue copper and nitric oxide reductase proteins. Other examples include sulfur-iron clusters and many copper, nickel, and iron proteins. Furoxins act as electron carriers in cells. In bacteria, important nitrogenase enzymes contain an Fe-Mo-S cluster and are a catalyst that performs the important function of nitrogen fixation; That is, it converts air nitrogen into ammonia, which can be used by microorganisms and plants to make proteins, DNA, RNA, alkaloids, and other nitrogenous organic compounds necessary for life.
Sulfur Types
Getting sulfur powder is typically at least a two-step process that starts with elemental, or mineral, sulfur; once this has been identified, it must be refined and ground down into a fine dust. Sulfur can be found in nature, and has traditionally been mined from volcanoes and salt domes. In modern times the element is more readily collected as a residue or by product of petroleum mining and oil refining, though. The latter is sometimes strictly considered “natural” while the former called “synthetic,” but either will make a powder when processed.
The sulfur granules of actinomycosis and actinobacillosis were studied histologically and ultra-structurally. The sulfur granule of actinomycosis was large, and oval or horsehoe-shaped.In it, there were a number of gram-positive, filamentous or short rod-like hyphae beneath clubs. Ultra structurally, the center of the sulfur granule was composed of a cluster of hyphae, and the periphery was surrounded by clubs arranged radially. The clubs were made of electron-dense fine granules and had a degenerated hypha at the center. These granules varied in amount from small to large. As for the host reaction, neutrophil infiltration appeared first around the sulfur granule. Then epithelioid cells proliferated and phagocytized hyphae.
Sulphur Lump is excessively required for a variety of applications in numerous industries such as Chemical industry. We are actively engaged in offering the finest quality Sulphur Lump to our clients. As we believe in offering the best, we leave no stone unturned to acquire Sulphur Lump from the most reliable vendors only.
- Elemental sulfur, like many soluble sulfate salts, is non-toxic. When sulfur burns in air, it produces sulfur dioxide. In water, sulfuric acid gas and sulfite are obtained. Sulfites are antioxidants that prevent the growth of aerobic bacteria. At higher concentrations, sulfur-containing acids can damage the lungs, eyes, or other tissues.
- Sulfur trioxide and sulfuric acid are similarly very acidic and corrosive in the presence of water. Sulfuric acid is a powerful desiccant that can remove water molecules from sugar and organic tissue.
- Burning coal or oil by industries and power plants produces sulfur dioxide, which reacts with water and atmospheric oxygen to produce sulfuric acid and sulfurous acid.
- These acids are the components of acid rain and reduce the pH of soil and freshwater and sometimes harm the environment. They also cause chemical weathering of sculptures and structures.
- Hydrogen sulfide is as toxic as hydrogen cyanide. Both have S element. Soluble sulfide salts and soluble hydrosulfide are toxic by the same mechanism.
- Store solid sulfur in a cool, dry, well-ventilated area away from incompatible materials. Sulfide hazards must be considered when storing or transporting liquid sulfur. Hydrogen sulfide gas can accumulate in the area and is very dangerous.
- Workers who deal with this substance should refrain from smoking in the warehouse and workplace.
- It is dangerous for the packaging of this composition to be close to electrical installations and equipment.
- 655NFPA standard for fire and explosion prevention must be followed.
- Protect well from hot liquid sulfur.
- Do not use gasoline or solvent (naphtha, kerosene, etc.) to wash the contact area with this compound!
Sulfur powder and lumps are available in 25 kg bags or 1000 kg jumbo bags. For gaseous sulfur and liquid sulfur, tanks are usually considered to have a certain volume. Bag sulfur is supplied in 30-40 kg packages.
In the market of buying and selling mineral and liquid sulfur or even gaseous sulfur, we are faced with different purity percentages. Sulfur is mainly produced by Nazbiran Refinery and Khark Petrochemical. Sulfur 99%, sulfur 80%, sulfur 98% and types of granulated sulfur known as mesh are the most common of this combination. The most common forms of sulfur in the market are as follows:
- Granular sulfur: It is used in the production of sulfuric acid, bentonite sulfur fertilizer, sugar and sugar bleaching.
- Lumpy sulfur: This type of sulfur is used to convert into micronized powders with different meshes.
- Pastille sulfur: This type of sulfur is used for agricultural purposes and in terms of characteristics, it has no difference with sulfur powder. This product is produced in a refinery.
- Micronized sulfur (mesh 200 and more): This type of sulfur is obtained by pulverizing the lump type and is used for spraying leaves and removing grape white, etc.
- Powdered sulfur (sugar grain): The granularity of this type of sulfur is coarser than micronized and similar to sugar grains.
- Sulfur ingots: This form of sulfur is made in the form of ingots after degassing and compression, and is called sulfur ingots or sulfur cubes.
Purchase of sulfur should be done based on need and application. This granulated compound is available in powder form with 30 to 50 and 50 to 100 mesh. Sulfur or micronized sulfur powder has a grain size of 100 to 150. Depending on where its production source is, the grade of sulfur is different; Refinery sulfur usually has a purity of 99.5%. For mineral sulfur, the purity is defined as 10 to 40%. This composition is also sold in gaseous, liquid and lumpy form, each of which has a different price.
NO Description of Index Figure
1 Mass fraction of sulfur, %, not less than 99.95
2 Mass fraction of ash,%, not less than 0.03
3 Mass fraction of organic compounds, %, not more than 0.03
4 Mass fraction of acids converted to sulfuric acid, %, not more than 0.003
5 *Mass fraction of moisture, %, not more than 0.2
6 Presence of mechanical impurities Absent
7 Color Bright yellow
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